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Hi, welcome to Mind Body Constellation Acupuncture. My name is Nicole, and I am an Acupuncturist whose work is rooted in and inspired by the body’s innate wisdom and healing capabilities. I’m grateful that each and every day, I get to put my passion into practice by helping my patients heal at the deepest level.  

I believe the human body possesses an innate ability to heal. Due to our modern world of diagnoses, chronic conditions, and prescription medications, we have lost touch with the innate wisdom of our bodies. I work with Acupuncture to provide the body an opportunity to express what is needed to balance, release, and thrive.    

My goal as a practitioner is to help clients get to the root cause of their issues, in order to find relief from symptoms and move beyond their limitations. I’m excited to partner with individuals who are committed to their healing journey and who are willing to do the work needed to regain their health.

How can I help?


Contact Me

Located in Big River Offices
3332 E. 25th St. Minneapolis, MN 55406

Tel: 651-505-1250


Thanks for getting in touch. I will respond as soon as possible!

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